Game Preview


  •  English    18     Public
    A short game to highlight general knowledge about pollution (ESL)
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  • Why is it important to do things to reduce pollution?
    To help save our planet
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  • Which type of pollution causes infections? (water or air pollution) どのタイプの汚染が感染を引き起こしますか? (水または大気汚染)
    water pollution
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  • Water pollution is the d________e in the quality of water. 水質汚染は水質のd________eです。
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  • Name the types of pollution. 汚染の種類に名前を付ける.
    Air pollution, Water pollution, Land pollution
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  • TRUE OR FALSE: Between 50 and 60 million people die because of water pollution 正誤問題:水質汚染により5000万から6000万人が死亡
    False - The World Health Organization estimates that 3.575 million people die from water-related diseases a year.
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  • TRUE OR FALSE: There's only 1% of water that we can drink on earth. 正誤問題:地球上で飲むことができる水の量はわずか1%である.
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  • Name 3 things that we can do to reduce water pollution. 水質汚染を減らすために私たちができることを3つ挙げてください
    save water, turn off running taps, always pick up your trash
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  • Which are 3 natural sources of water pollution? 水質汚染の3つの自然源はどれですか?
    animal waste, floods, volcano eruptions, storms
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  • TRUE OR FALSE: Air pollution can cause asthma. 正誤問題:大気汚染は喘息を引き起こす可能性がある。
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  • Name a consequence air pollution has on people. 大気汚染が人々に与える影響を挙げてください
    eye irritation, cancer, heart disease, birth problems
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  • Name two things we can do to reduce air pollution. 大気汚染を減らすためにできることを2つ挙げてください
    walking, using the bike, use less cars/vehicles, etc.
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  • TRUE OR FALSE: 10 million people die every year because of air pollution 正誤問題:大気汚染のために毎年1000万人が亡くなっている
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  • TRUE OR FALSE: Smog reduces visibility 正誤問題:スモッグは視認性を低下させる
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  • Smog is more common in ________ and places with more inhabitants. スモッグは________やより多くの住民がいる場所でより一般的です
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  • What is SMOG? SMOGとは何ですか?
    Smoke + fog - It's an unnatural fog/smoke in the environment それは環境の不自然な霧/煙です
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  • Which activities do humans do to cause air pollution? 大気汚染を引き起こすために人間はどのような活動をしますか?
    Deforestation, smoking, driving cars, burning plastic waste... etc.
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