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Multiple Meaning Words MS

  •  English    41     Public
    Multiple Meaning Words MS
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  • A seal is a gray animal about the size of a dog. It lives in the ocean and eats fish. What is another definition of the word seal?
    something used to attach things together; or an object with a design stamped on it
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  • A squash is a type of fruit that grows on a vine. They are often orange, yellow, or green and can be small like zucchini or big like pumpkins. What is another definition of squash?
    To crush or squeeze something flat
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  • A minor is someone who is not an adult. What is another definition of the word minor?
    Something small or unimportant
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  • A season is one of the 4 sections of the year. Each season has different weather and different activities. What is another definition of the word season?
    To add flavor or spice to food or drink; or a number of episodes of a tv show
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  • A shake is a cold and sweet drink made from blending ice cream with fruit or other flavors. What is another definition of the word shake?
    To move an object up and down and side to side quickly; or to tremble
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  • A stamp is a small square about an inch long that is put on an envelope. It usually has a picture or a design on it. What is another definition of the word stamp?
    To walk with heavy forceful steps; or to bang your foot on the ground; or to use ink to press an image onto something
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  • A stable is a building where horses live. It is usually divided into stalls. What is another definition of the word stable?
    Firmly fixed and solid
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  • A marker is an art supply. It comes in many colors and is used to write, draw and color. What is another definition of the word marker?
    A marker is something used to identify a place or item, such as a flag or label
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  • A kid is a child or young person. What is another definition of the word kid?
    A baby goat
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  • A handle is the part of an object that is used to move or carry the object. What is another definition of the word handle?
    To deal with a situation; or to hold something in your hands
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  • Bark is the covering on the outside of a tree. It is usually gray or brown and feels rough. What is another definition of the word bark?
    The sound a dog makes
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  • A foot is the lower part of the body that is used to stand and walk. What is another definition of the word foot?
    A unit of measurement
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  • Hard means something that is solid, firm, and not easy to break. What is another definition of the word hard?
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  • Jam is a spread made out of fruit that is usually spread on bread and eaten. What is another definition of the word jam?
    An instance of something becoming stuck; or squeezing something into a small space
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  • A hide is the skin of an animal like a horse or cow. Usually it is used to make clothing or shoes. What is another definition of the word hide?
    To keep out of sight, to prevent something from being seen
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  • A check is a piece of paper written to a bank in order to pay for something. What is another definition of the word check?
    To verify or examine something; or to mark something off usually from a list
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