Game Preview

Project 2 Revision 4

  •  English    17     Public
    To revise food (countable, uncountable), cooking instructions and food quantities.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does it mean? How do you spell it?
  •  10
  • What does it mean? How do you spell it?
  •  10
  • What does it mean? How do you spell it?
  •  10
  • What kinds of vegetables can you see in the picture!
    cauliflower, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, cucumbers,
  •  15
  • What kinds of fruit can see in the picture!
    grapes, cherries, strawberries, an apple, a pear, a peach, an orange, apricots, a lime
  •  15
  • Write and say it in English!
    a bunch of grapes
  •  15
  • Write and say it in English!
    a pot of yoghurt
  •  15
  • Write and say it in English!
    a slice of bread
  •  15
  • Write and say it in English!
    a dozen eggs
  •  15
  • Fill in the gaps: Do we need _________ vegetables?
    Do we need any vegetables?
  •  15
  • Fill in the gaps: I had _________ soup for lunch.
    I had some soup for lunch.
  •  15
  • Put a, an, some or the in the right place: For this recipe you need ______ flour, _____ salt and pepper, ______ egg and _____ milk.Put _____ flour, _______ salt and pepper in ______ bowl.
    For this recipe you need some flour, some salt and pepper, an egg and some milk.Put the flour, the salt and pepper in a bowl.
  •  15
  • Say it in English: В шкафу есть несколько баночек тунца.
    There are some tins of tuna in the cupboard.
  •  20
  • Say it in English: Я всегда ем яйцо на завтрак.
    I always have an egg for breakfast.
  •  20
  • Say it in English: Сколько молока есть в коробке? - Мало.
    How much milk is there in the carton? - A little.
  •  20
  • Say it in English: Сколько мандаринов есть в холодильнике? - Мало.
    How many satsumas are there in the fridge? - A few.
  •  20