Game Preview

Have something done

  •  Bengali, Bangla    15     Public
    This game will help you consolidate and revise the use of causative HAVE/GET.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The gardener was making a compost bin for us at 3pm yesterday. -> WE ...
    We were having a compost bin made at 3pm yesterday.
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  • Someone will take these plastic bottles to the recycling center for me. -> I ...
    I will have these plastic bottles taken to the recycling center.
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  • Someone is repairing Laura's water heater because it's using too much electricity. -> Laura ... because it's using too much electricity.
    Laura will have her water heater repaired ...
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  • Someone is replacing my shower with one that saves water. -> I ...
    I AM HAVING my shower REPLACED with one that saves water
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  • David hired an engineer to design the wind turbines on his farm. -> David .... .
    David HAD his wind turbines designed.
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  • Someone has examined the tap water at Michael's house for chemicals. Michael ->
    Michael HAS HAD his tap water EXAMINED for chemicals.
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  • That company was washing my car for three hours. -> I ......... .
    I WAS HAVING my car WASHED for three hours.
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  • Two servicemen have just installed solar panels on my neighbors' house.
    My neighbors HAVE JUST HAD their solar panels INSTALLED on their house.
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  • Burglars burgle their house at least once a year. THEY .... .
    They have their house burgled at least once a year.
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  • A pickpocketer stole Maria's phone last weekend.
    Maria had her phone stolen last weekend.
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  • A professional installed an alarm in the Smiths' house.
    The Smiths HAD an alarm INSTALLED by a professional.
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  • A nail stylist will do Claudia's nails next Thursday. I .... .
    Claudia will have her nails done next Thursday.
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  • A bridal shop will have made a wedding dress for Jessica by the end of July.
    Jessica WILL HAVE HAD her wedding dress MADE by the end of July.
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  • Recently, Mark's old cottage has been renovated to make it more energy effiecient. -> Recently, Mark ...
    Recently, Mark HAS HAD his old cottage RENOVATED to make it more energy efficient.
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  • In order to prevent a fire, technicians test my fire alarm regularly. -> I ...
    In order to prevent a fire, I HAVE my fire alarm TESTED regularly.
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