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Fun fact or straight-up lie

  •  English    21     Public
    Speaking activitiy about fun facts or straight-up lights
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  • Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people.
    Fun fact. Well, not for the poor giraffes
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  • Identical twins have the same fingerprints
    No way, Jose
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  • Your brain is constantly eating itself.
    Yup! It's rather hungry. It's called phagocytosis
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  • The largest piece of fossilised dinosaur poo discovered is over 2 m long
    Massive poo and massive lie
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  • A chicken once lived for 1 week without a head.
    Straight-up lie because it was 18 MONTHS!
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  • Wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5%
    Fun and uncomfortable fact
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  • The fear of long words is called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
    Fun fact and really triggering for the ones who suffer from it
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  • The world’s oldest dog lived to 32 years
    Nope, just got to 29 and then he went to dog's heaven
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  • The world’s oldest cat lived to 38 years and three days old.
    Yup! True story. And his name was Creme Puff
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  • Our solar system has another star
    Not really. No
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  • NASA genuinely faked the Moon landing.
    NOPE! While Neil Armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface were categorically not faked, the astronaut quarantine protocol was a show
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  • Comets smell like rotten eggs.
    Sure! And your farts too
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  • You can actually die because of a tickle attack
    Yes, due to intense laughter causing a heart attack or suffocation.
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  • Football teams wearing blue kits play better.
    Nope, but the ones who wear red do. A review of football matches in the last 55 years, for example, showed that teams in a red kit consistently played better
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  • A horse has more than one horsepower
    Usually they have around 24, if they are not dying of old age
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  • Hippos can’t swim.
    Hippos really do have big bones, so big and dense, in fact, that they’re barely buoyant at all. They  perform a slow-motion gallop on the river bed
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