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Emma - Chapters 1 and 2

  •  English    18     Public
    Questions about chapters 1 and 2.
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  • Why were Emma and her father sad at the beginning of the story?
    Because Emma's governess and friend Anne got married and left their house.
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  • How would you describe relationship between Emma and Mr Knightley?
    They knew each other for a very long time, but they didn't love each other. They were friends. Mr Knightley was older than her and sometimes gave her advice.
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  • How would you describe relationship between Emma and Harriet?
    They were friends. Harriet admired Emma, and Emma wanted to help her marry well. She was trying to improve her education.
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  • What was Emma's plan for Harriet?
    She wanted to match her with a young vicar, Mr Elton, who had a good position in society.
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  • What did other people think of Emma?
    They thought she was beautiful and clever, and that she was always right.
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  • Why didn't Emma want Harriet to meet the Martins' family?
    Because they were farmers and she wanted Harriet to meet higher society.
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  • Why didn't Emma want to marry?
    Because she didn't need a husband. She was rich and independent.
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  • Why did Mr Knightley think it was a bad idea to refuse Robert Martin's marriage proposal?
    Because Harriet wasn't rich and Robert would be a suitable man for her.
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  • What was Emma's role in the village of Highbury?
    She gave people advice and matched women and men to get married.
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  • Who was Mr Elton?
    A young vicar in Highbury.
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  • Who was Harriet Smith?
    A young girl, a student at a local school. She was pretty, but not very clever, so Emma wanted to educate her and help her marry well.
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  • Who was Mr Knightley?
    A man from Highbury, who often visited Emma's family. They were good friends. He was also respected in the village. He was tall and handsome.
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  • Who was Robert Martin?
    A farmer's son, who wanted to marry Harriet.
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  • Why didn't Mr Knightley approve of Emma's friendship with Harriet?
    Because Harriet flattered Emma too much.
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  • What did Emma do to match Harriet and Mr Elton?
    She talked about Harriet with him and painted a picture of her for him. She thought he would fall in love with her.
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  • How did Harriet feel when Emma told her to refuse Robert Martin's marriage proposal?
    She felt very sad.
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