Game Preview

Giant Causeway 11.1

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1. If I baked you a cake, would you eat it? +
    Yes, if you baked me a cake, I would eat it.
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  • If Anna had a Ferrari, would she lend it to Paul? +
    Yes, if Anna had a Ferrari, she’d lend it to Paul.
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  • If Claudia watched the film in English, would she understand everything? +
    Yes, if Claudia watched the film in English, she’d understand everything.
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  • If Lisa saw Tim in the street, would she say hello to him? +
    Yes, if Lisa saw Tim in the street, she’d say hello to him.
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  • 6. If you ran 50 metres, would you be tired? -
    No, if I ran 50 metres, I wouldn’t be tired.
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  • If I spoke in French, would Eugenie understand me? +
    Yes, if you spoke in French, Eugenie would understand you.
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  • 8. If you had a good voice, would you sing in a choir? +
    Yes, if I had a good voice, I’d sing in a choir.
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  • 9. Would Peter stay in bed all day if he didn’t have to go to work? -
    No, Peter wouldn’t stay in bed all day if he didn’t have to go to work.
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  • 10. If you had a dog, would you call it Max? -
    No, if I had a dog, I wouldn’t call it Max.
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  • 11. Would you tell me if you knew a secret?
    No, I wouldn’t tell you if I knew a secret.
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  • 12. If Lucas had more free time, would he read more? +
    Yes, if Lucas had more free time, he’d read more.
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  • 13. Would they live in a flat if they lived in the centre? +
    Yes, they’d live in a flat if they lived in the centre.
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  • 14. Would Marta join a band if she could play the guitar? +
    Yes, Marta would join a band if she could play the guitar.
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  • Would you be Superman if you could be any superhero? +
    Yes, I’d be Superman if I could be any superhero.
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  • Would you tell your friends if you saw a UFO? -
    No, I wouldn’t tell my friends if I saw a UFO.
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