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Problems in the community

  •  English    23     Public
    Problem solving activities for young people accessing the community
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  • You have been shopping in town and just missed your bus home. What do you do?
    Wait for the next bus. Check when the next bus is, see if there's another route that's quicker
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  • You are shopping in town and drop your wallet/purse. What are you going to do?
    Re-trace my steps. Ask shopworkers at the shops I went into if a purse/wallet has been handed in
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  • You are making breakfast and have run out of cereal. What do you do?
    See if there's something else I can eat for breakfast. Buy something on the way
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  • Someone keeps bumping into you on the tube. What do you do?
    See if you can move further down the tube where it's less busy.
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  • Your friend wants to skip college lessons but you don't want to. What do you do?
    Tell them you're going to class and you'll see them later.
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  • You bought some trousers in Primark but they're too big. What do you do?
    Take them back to Primark and ask to exchange them for a smaller size or ask for a refund
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  • You started doing your work but you're not sure you're doing it right. What do you do?
    Check with your teacher or a friend.
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  • You are in town with your friends and start to feel sick. What do you do?
    Drink some water. Go home - get the bus or ask family/friend to pick you up. Tell a family member of friend you feel unwell
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  • The trains are cancelled on your way home. What do you do?
    Check google maps or citymapper and see if you can get the bus or tube
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  • A customer complains to you that she has been queuing for too long, you apologise but she continues and starts to shout at you.
    Apologise again. Seek support from a colleague/manager
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  • You work in a cafe and a customer asks for a coffee and piece of chocolate cake. You go to get the drink and cake but there’s no chocolate cake. What do you do?
    Tell them that unfortunately there's no cake left. Would they like something else
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  • You work at a shoe shop. Someone has tried on 10 pairs of shoes and left them in a big pile. You’re really hungry and want to go for lunch, but you know your manager will be annoyed if you haven’t tidied up the shoes. What do you do?
    Tidy up the shoes quickly then go for lunch
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  • You have toothache and need to book a dentist appointment. What is your next steps?
    Call the dentist. Explain you have toothache and ask for an appointment. Confirm appointment time/date. Ask for text reminder
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  • Your laptop charger has broken. What do you do?
    Call a repair shop and see if they can help you. OR order a new one online
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  • You friend wants to go to the cinema with you next month but you're worried you'll forget. What can you do?
    Put a reminder on your phone. Put it on your calendar. Ask them to remind you the week before.
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  • Your friend asks you to buy the tickets at the cinema but the machine is confusing. What do you do?
    Go to the till and ask for help. Tell them what movie you want to see.
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