Game Preview


  •  English    6     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Are there potential downsides to using placebos in clinical trials, such as ethical concerns or challenges in interpreting results?
  •  15
  • Can a placebo have a genuine therapeutic benefit, and if so, how do we differentiate between placebo effects and actual treatment efficacy?
  •  15
  • How does the placebo effect vary among individuals? Are some people more susceptible to it than others?
  •  15
  • In what medical situations is the use of a placebo considered acceptable or even standard practice?
  •  15
  • Can the placebo effect have long-term effects on a person's health and well-being, or is it typically a short-term phenomenon?
  •  15
  • Can virtual reality and immersive technologies enhance the placebo effect in healthcare interventions and therapy?
  •  15