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Animal descriptions

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    Guess the animal from the description
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  • a gentle giant with a long, flexible trunk that it uses to grab leaves, fruits, and even drink water. It also has big, floppy ears that help it stay cool in hot places. Its strong legs and large, flat feet help it walk through grasslands
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  • a bird that can't fly, but it's an amazing swimmer. It has strong flippers that it uses to paddle through the water. Its beak is sharp and pointed, perfect for catching fish to eat. It has black and white feathers
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  • a fierce and beautiful cat with sharp claws and powerful fangs. It has a strong, muscular body that helps it run and pounce on its prey. Its stripes on its fur act like camouflage in the dense forests and grasslands where it lives.
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  • a super smart marine animal with a smooth, sleek body. It has a long snout called a "rostrum" that helps it breathe and make sounds underwater. They have dorsal fins on their backs that help them swim swiftly through oceans and seas.
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  • a colorful insect with delicate wings covered in tiny scales. It has a long, straw-like proboscis that it uses to sip nectar from flowers. They have six legs and antennae to help them balance and sense their surroundings.
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  • They have powerful back legs and a long tail that it uses to hop around. It also has strong, clawed paws that help it grip the ground while moving. Their front paws are smaller and are used for balance and holding food.
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  • a long neck that helps it reach leaves high up in trees to eat. It also has a long, purple tongue that it uses to pull leaves from branches. They have strong legs with hooves that help them run and kick if needed.
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  • They have a soft body and eight long arms covered in suction cups. Its beak is hard and sharp, and it uses it to break open shells and catch prey. They are incredible at changing colour and texture to blend into their surroundings.
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  • They have a black and white fur coat that helps it hide in the bamboo forests where it lives. It has strong jaws and sharp teeth that it uses to chew bamboo leaves.
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  • They have a long, sticky tongue to catch insects. Their eyes can move independently, allowing it to look in two directions at once. They have specialized feet with sharp claws and are brightly coloured
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  • They have a strong, muscular body with sharp claws and teeth. It has a majestic mane around its neck that is more prominent in males. They have powerful jaws to help them hunt and eat meat from animals like zebras and antelopes.
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  • It has a fluffy tail that it uses for balance and as a blanket. It has sharp claws that help it climb trees and gather nuts. They also have strong teeth to crack open nuts and eat their tasty insides.
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  • strong legs and hooves that help it run and carry people. It has a flowing mane and tail that look beautiful as it gallops. They have long teeth called "incisors" that they use to graze on hay and grass.
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  • big, round ears and sharp claws that help it climb trees with ease. It has a soft, woolly fur coat that keeps it warm in its eucalyptus forest home. They have a strong sense of smell to find the tastiest eucalyptus leaves to eat.
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  • a long, slender body and no legs, but it can move smoothly and quickly. It has sharp fangs that it uses to catch and inject venom into its prey. They have a unique way of swallowing their food whole!
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  • big eyes that help it see well in the dark. It has powerful talons on its feet that it uses to catch and carry prey. They have special feathers that allow them to fly silently and surprise their prey.
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