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  •  English    13     Public
    Use participle clauses (ed/ing) and speak on the topic
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In your country, is it impolite to make noise when you are eating?
    In your country, is it impolite to make noise when eating?
  •  15
  • People who were born in the last two decades would find it impossible to live without the internet.
    People born in the last two decades would find it impossible to live without the internet.
  •  15
  • It is better for companies to employ people who are experienced than employ graduates.
    It is better for companies to employ experienced people than employ graduates.
  •  15
  • It’s depressing to see so many young people who are endangering their health by eating junk food and smoking.
    It’s depressing to see so many young people endangering their health by eating junk food and smoking.
  •  15
  • Motorists who are still driving at seventy-five years old should take another driving test.
    Motorists still driving at seventy-five years old should take another driving test.
  •  15
  • The best nights out are the ones which are unplanned.
    The best nights out are the ones unplanned.
  •  15
  • Do you listen to music while you are travelling?
    Do you listen to music while travelling?
  •  15
  • All the technology which has been created in the last fifteen years has not improved our lives.
    All the technology created in the last fifteen years has not improved our lives.
  •  15
  • Company employees who work from home are more productive than the ones in the office.
    Company employees working from home are more productive than the ones in the office.
  •  15
  • The most beautiful places are the ones which are unchanged by mankind.
    The most beautiful places are the ones unchanged by mankind.
  •  15
  • People who have been found guilty of a crime should not be allowed to vote.
    People found guilty of a crime should not be allowed to vote.
  •  15
  • Homes which are located in the centre of cities should be cheaper for nurses, teachers and emergency service workers.
    Homes located in the centre of cities should be cheaper for nurses, teachers and emergency service workers.
  •  15
  • Cars which are made in Germany are reliable but too expensive.
    Cars made in Germany are reliable but too expensive.
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