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Classical Civilizations

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  • Which pair of physical features most likely had the greatest influence on the development of the Greek city-states
    lakes and mountains
    mountains and seas
    plains and mountains
  •  15
  • 1advanced human society 2developed arts and science 3record keeping 4 political/social institutions are examples of?
    A Classical civilization
    a monarchy
    a River Valley Civilization
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  • A republic differs from a monarchy because in a republic
    a leader is elected
    a group of leaders run the country
    a leader's position is inherited
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  • What type of Political system did the Qin Dynasty use?
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  • What was Emperor Qin known for standardizing (making the same) throughout China?
    all of the above
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  • The Terra Cotta Army, Jewels and Tools have what in common?
    They were buried with Emperor Qin
    They are key parts of Confucianism
    They are buried in the Great Wall of China
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  • Which was a key teaching of Confucius?
    He believed in strong family loyalty and ancestor worship
    He believed people should sacrifice to god so that the gods would help them
    He believed that the gods and goddesses controlled the world around them
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  • Which is the most accurate definition of a tyrant?
    a cruel and oppressive leader
    a religious leader
    a leader of diverse groups of people under a centralized government
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  • Athens had a democratic system of government. Which statement describes an important aspect of Athenian governement?
    The wealthiest people of Athens became leaders,
    Women in Athens were not allowed to vote
    The people of Athens elected their leaders
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  • Because all decisions were made by all free adult male citizens in Athens, the government was considered to be
    a direct democracy
    a monarchy
    a male oligarchy
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