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Science Test Review

  •  English    20     Public
    science test review
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  • Say 4 characteristics of living things
    nutrition, reproduction, respiration, movement, response, growth, excretion
  •  15
  • Guess the kingdom: Multicellular or unicellular organisms, some make their own food and others take it in, very different in size and shape
  •  15
  • Guess the kingdom: Unicellular and microscopic organisms, most get their nutrition from other organisms
  •  15
  • Guess the kingdom: Multicellular, they make their own food from sunlight and water, static
  •  15
  • Guess the kingdom: Multicellular, they get their food from other organisms, reproduction through spores
  •  15
  • Guess the kingdom: Multicellular, they get their food from other organisms, divided into vertebrates and invertebrates
  •  15
  • Say 1 example of an organism from the Protista kingdom
    Algae, giant kelp, protozoon
  •  15
  • Say 1 example of an organism from the Monera kingdom
  •  15
  • Say 1 example of an organism from the Plant kingdom
    flowering plants, moss, ferns
  •  15
  • Say 1 example of an organism from the Fungi kingdom
    mushrooms, molds, yeasts
  •  15
  • Say 1 example of an organism from the Animal kingdom
    students' own answers
  •  15
  • What is a dichotomous key used for?
    Scientists use them to identify organisms that they find in the wild.
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  • What is a population?
    Group of individuals of the same species
  •  15
  • What is a community?
    Different populations that interact with each other.
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  • What is an ecosystem?
    A community of living things and their physical environment, and all the interactions that occur between them.
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  • What is a habitat?
    The home of a living thing
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