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B1 Exam Practice Vocabulary GEB1

  •  English    65     Public
    Common words and definitions
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  • What does 'attached' mean? "Please find my essay attached to the email."
    to fasten, join, or connect something, to add something to an email or document
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  • What does 'certain' mean? "Only certain people can attend the football practice, those aged 11-15."
    limited to a select group of people
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  • What does 'proper' mean? "Players must have proper tennis shoes to play on these courts."
    real, satisfactory, suitable, or correct
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  • What does 'court' mean? "We can't play on the tennis courts today, it's too wet"
    an area drawn out on the ground that is used for playing sports such as tennis and basketball
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  • What does ' take part in' mean? "I would like to take part in competitions."
    participate in and be involved in something
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  • What does 'contest' mean? "I'm taking part in a contest next month. I hope I win!"
    a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given
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  • What does 'skills' mean? "I'd like to improve my acting skills so I'm going to a drama class twice a week."
    an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it
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  • What does 'fortnight' mean? "I visit my grandparents once a fortnight."
    two weeks
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  • What does 'led by' mean? "The drama classes were led by a great teacher called Kate."
    to control a group of people, a country, or a situation
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  • What does 'encourage' mean? "My mum has encouraged me to start dance classes, she thinks I'll be great."
    to talk or behave in a way that gives someone confidence to do something
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  • What does 'seem' mean? "It seemed like a great idea, but it was actually a huge mistake."
    to be thought to be, to give the effect of being; to be judged to be
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  • What does 'run' mean? "The school runs weekly classes to help with homework."
    to be in control of something
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  • What does 'keen to' mean? "I was keen to start the project as soon as possible."
    very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much
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  • What does 'realise' mean? "I realise that B1 is difficult at first, but you will get better and better!"
    to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
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  • What does 'doubt' mean? "He was having doubts about his ability to do the work."
    (a feeling of) not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is
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  • What does 'regret' mean? "He regretted being so lazy at school, he wishes he had studied harder."
    to feel sorry about a situation, especially something sad or wrong or a mistake that you have made
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