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A flawed Peace

  •  English    12     Public
    Resolutions from WW1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who were the "Big Four" after WW1?
    Representatives from the US (Wilson), France (Clemenceau), Great Britain (Lloyd George) and Italy (Orlando).
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  • What were the fourteen points of President Wilson?
    A plan for achieving lasting peace, mentioning the end of secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade and reduced armies.
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  • What is the concept of self determination?
    Allowing people to decide under what government they wished to live.
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  • Why was the Versailles Treaty uncertain from the start?
    Because the allies didn't agree on what to do with war resolutions, especially Germany.
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  • What treaty was signed on June 28, 1919?
    The Treaty of Versailles.
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  • What was the League of Nations?
    An association that tried to keep peace among nations.
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  • How did the Versailles Treaty punish Germany?
    Territory loss, military restrictions.
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  • What was the "war guilt" clause?
    Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, where Germany was to blame for WW1 and needed to pay for reparations.
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  • What were some new countries that were created after WW1?
    Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary.
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  • Did the Ottomans and Russians lost territory?
    Yes, they did.
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  • What countries were excluded from the League of Nations?
    Germany and Russia.
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  • What country surrendered their colonies in Africa after WW1?
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