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World War 1

  •  English    28     Public
    Please use this study tool to practice for our unit test!
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  • Explain why/how WW1 was fought differently than any other previous war.
    Powerful weapons and vehicles on land, air, and sea, as well as chemical weapons were used in WW1
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  • Name of the British cruise ship that was sunk by a German U-boat
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  • What is the significance of the Lusitania sinking to the US joining WW1?
    159 Americans were killed in the sinking. The US joined to war to avenge their deaths.
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  • What was the Selective Service Act?
    The act required all men from age 21-30 to register for the draft.
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  • What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
    It was a telegram from Germany trying to convince Mexico to ally with Germany against the US in exchange for Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
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  • Explain how women's roles changed during the war.
    Women went from taking care of the home and children to working in factories, offices, farms, and nurses in the army
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  • What was President Woodrow Wilson's speech called?
    Fourteen Points
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  • What was the purpose of President Woodrow Wilson's speech?
    To outline a plan for lasting peace and an end to WW1
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  • The ____ and _____ navies were blocking the German ports, causing their economy to collapse and their citizens to starve.
    Britain, US
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  • What day did Germany and the Allies agree to end fighting?
    November 11, 1918
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  • What was the treaty that officially ended the way in 1919?
    Treaty of Versailles
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  • What is the League of Nations?
    They helped rebuild Europe after the war. It is a group of governments that strived to prevent future wars and protect nations.
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