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Monster's New Friend

  •  English    15     Public
    comp quiz
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Tell me at least three characters from the story.
    Monster, Turkey, Rooster, Beaver, Squirrel, Canary, Parrot, Turtle
  •  15
  • What is a neighborhood?
    A small community where people live.
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  • How does Monster feel about moving to his new neighborhood?
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  • What has Monster never had before?
    A friend
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  • Where does Monster go to look for a friend?
    The park
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  • What are Turkey and Rooster doing at the park?
    Playing tag
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  • What do Turkey and Rooster say to Monster when he asks to play.
    No, you are too furry.
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  • What are beaver and squirrel doing at the park?
    They are on the swings
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  • What do they say to Monster when he asks to swing?
    No, you are too large.
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  • What are Canary and Parrot doing at the park?
    Racing around the track.
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  • What do Canary and Parrot say to Monster when he asks to play.
    You are too slow.
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  • How does Monster feel when no on wants to be his friend?
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  • Who said that they will be Monster's friend?
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  • What does Turtle say to Monster to cheer him up (page 15)
    Fur keeps you warm, being large lets you reach leaves, and being slow lets you see things others miss.
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  • How does monster feel at the end of the story? Why?
    Happy. Turtle is his friend!
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