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  •  English    19     Public
    Reconstruction Era Review
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  • What was the period of rebuilding the South after the Civil War called?
  •  15
  • Which of these grants U.S. citizenship to anyone born in the United States?
    13th Amendment
    15th Amendment
    14th Amendment
    16th Amendment
  •  15
  • Northern Republicans who moved to the South during Reconstruction were called
  •  15
  • Which of these groups murdered freed African Americans in the South?
    the Ku Klux Klan
    the Scalawags
    the Radical Republicans
    the Democrats
  •  15
  • Which of these established schools for freed African Americans?
    the Radical Republicans
    the Radical Democrats
    the Freedmen’s Bureau
    the Amnesty Republicans
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  • Before they could rejoin the Union, Southern states were required to ratify
    the Eleventh Amendment.
    the Thirteenth Amendment
    the Twelfth Amendment
    the Tenth Amendment.
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  • Which of these was used to violate the civil rights of African Americans?
    poll tax
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  • Which of these were laws designed to limit the freedom of the newly freed African Americans?
    Ten Percent Plan
    black codes
    Wade-Davis Act
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  • Who took the office of President after President Lincoln was assassinated?
    Andrew Amdahl
    Andrew Young
    Andrew Livingston
    Andrew Jackson
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  • As a result of Lincoln's Assassination
    Congress took control after Johnson impeachment
    Leaders of the Confederacy were assassinated
    The South was able to veto the Reconstruction Amendments
    The Confederacy was able to win the Civil War
  •  15
  • This picture would look different before the ratification of the
    13th Amendment
    15th Amendment
    14th Amendment
    Emancipation Proclamation
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  • Which of the following best completes this cause-effect diagram?
    Johnson disagreed with Congress’s plan for Reconstruction
    Congress did not want the Confederate states to be allowed b
    Abraham Lincoln distrusted Andrew Johnson
    Congress discovered Andrew Johnson had committed war crimes
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  • In this picture depicting a carpetbagger, which figure represents the South?
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  • Reconstruction can be defined as the time period in which -
    The United States began rebuilding its navy after is was dec
    The Southern states were brought back into the Union after t
    Southern states became wealthy from building an economy base
    The U.S. economy recovered from an economic recession follow
  •  15
  • This amendment is significant because it -
    Gave African Americans the right to vote
    Prevented voting discrimination based on race
    Gave African American women the right to vote
    Abolished slavery
  •  15
  • In order for this event to happen, Texas had to -
    Ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
    Do away with the executive branch of government
    Give forty acres to each freedman
    Provide government positions to twenty African Americans
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