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73 All English tenses

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  • What (Mary / usually / eat) for breakfast? - She (eat) porridge.
    What do Mary usually eat for breakfast? - She eat porridge.
    What do Mary usually eat for breakfast? - She eats porridge.
    What is Mary usually eating for breakfast? - She is eating porridge.
    What does Mary usually eat for breakfast? - She eats porridge.
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  • My brothers (not / brush) their teeth three times a day.
    My brothers hasn't brushed their teeth three times a day.
    My brothers aren't brushing their teeth three times a day.
    My brothers doesn't brush their teeth three times a day.
    My brothers don't brush their teeth three times a day.
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  • Your friends (not / listen) to music since morning.
    Your friends haven't listened to music since morning.
    Your friends hasn't been listening to music since morning.
    Your friends haven't been listening to music since morning.
    Your friends didn't listen to music since morning.
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  • Look! Kate (sell) her old book.
    Look! Kate is selling her old book.
    Look! Kate will sell her old book.
    Look! Kate sells her old book.
    Look! Kate selling her old book.
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  • My mum (not / cook) Italian coffee on weekdays.
    My mum didn't cook Italian coffee on weekdays.
    My mum don't cook Italian coffee on weekdays.
    My mum doesn't cook Italian coffee on weekdays.
    My mum isn't cooking Italian coffee on weekdays.
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  • Учитель объясняет урок сейчас?
    Does the teacher explain the lesson now?
    Are the teacher explaining the lesson now?
    Is the teacher explaining the lesson now?
    Has the teacher explained the lesson now?
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  • Скоро будет зима.
    It will winter soon.
    It was winter soon.
    It is winter soon.
    It will be winter soon.
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  • What (you / do) at the moment? - We (study) Spanish.
    What you doing at the moment? - We studying Spanish.
    What are you doing at the moment? - We are studying Spanish.
    What do you do at the moment? - We study Spanish.
    What have you done at the moment? - We have studied Spanish.
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  • (They / drink) too much tea yet?
    Do they drink too much tea yet?
    Did they drink too much tea yet?
    Have they drunk too much tea yet?
    Has they drunk too much tea yet?
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  • Привет! Я прилетел в Лондон! Мой самолет приземлился пять минут назад.
    Hi! I already arrived in London! My plane has landed five minutes ago.
    Hi! I already arrives in London! My plane lands five minutes ago.
    Hi! I have already arrived in London! My plane landed five minutes ago.
    Hi! I already arrived in London! My plane landed five minutes ago.
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  • Ник ждет свою девушку два часа?
    Has Nick waited for his girlfriend for two hours?
    Has Nick been waiting for his girlfriend for two hours?
    Is Nick waiting for his girlfriend for two hours?
    Have Nick been waiting for his girlfriend for two hours?
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  • Моя сестра всегда поет, когда она счастлива.
    My sister is always singing when she is happy.
    My sister has always sung when she happy.
    My sister always sing when she happy.
    My sister always sings when she is happy.
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  • Этот фильм закончился пять минут назад? Да, и конец был счастливым.
    Did this film end five minutes ago? Yes, and the end was happy.
    Did this film ended five minutes ago? Yes, and the end were happy.
    Has this film ended five minutes ago? Yes, and the end has been happy.
    Does this film end five minutes ago? Yes, and the end is happy.
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  • (The teacher / talk) the whole lesson?
    Did the teacher talked the whole lesson?
    Was the teacher talking the whole lesson?
    Were the teacher talking the whole lesson?
    Has the teacher talkied the whole lesson?
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  • Том остался дома прошлым вечером. Он не пошел на прогулку.
    Tom stayed at home last night. He didn't go for a walk.
    Tom stays at home last night. He don't go for a walk.
    Tom is staying at home last night. He isn't going for a walk.
    Tom has stayed at home last night. He hasn't gone for a walk.
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  • Дети покинули класс, потому что звонок прозвенел.
    The children left the classroom because the bell has rung.
    The children leaved the classroom because the bell rang.
    The children left the classroom because the bell had rung.
    The children leave the classroom because the bell is ringing.
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