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12 Многозначные глаголы Part  ...

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  • My sons (taste) the soup.
    My sons is tasting the soup.
    My sons tastes the soup.
    My sons taste the soup.
    My sons are tasting the soup.
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  • Ты видишь его на работе сейчас?
    Are you seeing him at work now?
    You are seeing him at work now?
    Do you see him at work now?
    Does you see him at work now?
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  • This plate (smell) good.
    This plate smells good.
    This plate is smelling good.
    This plate smelles good.
    This plate smell good.
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  • Цветы пахнут не очень хорошо.
    The flowers don't smell good.
    The flowers aren't smelling good.
    The flowers doesn't smell good.
    The flowers isn't smelling good.
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  • (The soup / taste) good?
    Do the soup taste good?
    Are the soup tasting good?
    Does the soup taste good?
    Is the soup tasting good?
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  • Я пробую торт. Он вкусный.
    I'm tasting the cake. It is tasting good.
    I'm tasting the cake. It tastes good.
    I taste the cake. It is tasting good.
    I taste the cake. It tastes good.
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  • Dan (think) Kate (be) nice.
    Dan think Kate is nice.
    Dan thinks Kate nice.
    Dan is thinking Kate is nice.
    Dan thinks Kate is nice.
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  • (Kate / see) her dad after work?
    Do Kate see her dad after work?
    Is Kate seeing her dad after work?
    Is Kate see her dad after work?
    Does Kate see her dad after work?
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  • Сколько ты весишь?
    How much do you weigh?
    How much does you weigh?
    How much you are weighing?
    How much are you weighing?
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  • We (smell) the flower.
    We are smelling the flower.
    We smelling the flower.
    We smell the flower.
    We is smelling the flower.
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  • Почему вы пробуете салат?
    Why do you taste the salad?
    Why you are tasting the salad?
    Why are you tasting the salad?
    Why does you taste the salad?
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  • Я все еще думаю о поездке в Испанию.
    I still think about our trip to Spain.
    I still am thinking about our trip to Spain.
    I’m still thinking about our trip to Spain.
    I’m still think about our trip to Spain.
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  • (Your English / get) better? — Yes, I (think) so.
    Does your English get better? — Yes, I think so.
    Is your English getting better? — Yes, I'm thinking so.
    Is your English getting better? — Yes, I think so.
    Your English is getting better? — Yes, I think so.
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  • My son (think) that your house (not / be) big.
    My son thinks that your house isn't big.
    My son is thinking that your house isn't big.
    My son think that your house isn't big.
    My son thinks that your house not big.
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  • Я думаю, что каникулы - это здорово. Я сейчас думаю о них.
    I think that holidays are great. I'm thinking about them now.
    I think that holidays are great. I think about them now.
    I think that holidays is great. I'm thinking about them now.
    I'm thinking that holidays are great. I'm thinking about them now.
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  • I (weigh) the baby. The baby (weigh) 7 kilos.
    I weigh the baby. The baby weighs 7 kilos.
    I am weighing the baby. The baby weighs 7 kilos.
    I weigh the baby. The baby is weighing 7 kilos.
    I am weighing the baby. The baby is weighing 7 kilos.
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