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Game test Unit 4

  •  English    25     Public
    Types of films, books, Present Perfect, for/since
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • He hasn't read a book for/since January.
  •  10
  • Many ____ in the film were children from the local school. Some of them dream about playing a big part in a film one day.
  •  20
  • The _____ worked hard to design the clothes for his film.
    costume designer
  •  20
  • The ______ changed people's appearance; in some scenes they looked young and in other moments they looked old.
    make-up artists
  •  20
  • A: Is Oliver at home? B: Yes, he is. He ______ (just/arrive).
    has just arrived
  •  25
  • A: How long ______ (you/have) your laptop? B: For six months.
    have you had
  •  25
  • A: ____ (Debbie/ever/visit) the USA? B: Yes.
    Has Debbie ever visited
  •  25
  • A: We ___ (never/do) a bungee jump in our lives. B: I ____ (do) one three years ago.
    have never done; did
  •  25
  • A: You must read this book. It's fantastic! B: I ___ (already/read) it.
    have already read
  •  25