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Persuasive Techniques

  •  English    21     Public
    Includes Repetition, Inclusive Language, Emotive Language and Exaggeration
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What persuasive technique does this use? This is healthy, healthy, healthy cereal!
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? The earth belongs to all of us!
    Inclusive language
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? These poor vulnerable puppies need your help!
    Emotive Language
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? These children will drown in their tears!
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? The mayor's brain is the size of a red bean.
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? We all belong to SISHK!
    Inclusive Language
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? Chromebooks, Chromebooks, Chromebooks must be allowed during recess.
  •  15
  • What persuasive technique does this use? An innocent bystander suffered facial injuries when the thug launched his glass across the table.
    Emotive Language
  •  15
  • This is an example of: We should all take action on climate change to save our world for future generations.
    Inclusive Language
  •  15
  • This is an example of: Teachers should always be kind and loving to their young students.
    Emotive Language
  •  15
  • This is an example of: We must stop, stop, stop this nonsense!
  •  15
  • This is an example of: This piece of homework is going to take a million years to complete!
  •  15
  • This is an example of: It is so hot outside that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk!
  •  15
  • This is an example of: Defenceless victims were attacked at night.
    Emotive Language
  •  15
  • This is an example of: The awful situation will only do the worst until WE do something to make it better.
    Inclusive Language
  •  15
  • This is an example of: The strike of public transport is disturbing and distressing.
    Emotive Language
  •  15