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The Luckiest Leprechaun

  •  English    32     Public
    A tail wagging tale of friendship (See for the story)
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  • What did MacKenzie miss more than his gold?
    his friend Lucky
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  • What does pooch mean in this sentence? "Where did the pooch run off to?"
    a dog
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  • What did MacKenzie think the dog had done when he couldn’t find him?
    He thought he stole his gold.
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  • Why didn’t the dog come back with the gold?
    Because he had fallen asleep.
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  • What is more important than gold?
    a good/loyal friend
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  • What does tale mean in this sentence? "I’m going to tell you a tale."
    a story
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  • What was the main idea of this story?
    The main idea is about a leprechan that makes a friend.
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  • How did Mac feel about lucky in the beginning of the story? At the end?
    Beginning - annoyed / Ending - grateful
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  • How did Lucky feel when she learned she dug a hole into Mac's house?
    She felt bad
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  • What does "content" mean in this sentence? "As long as I had my gold, this leprechaun was content."
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  • What does "duped" mean in this sentence? "Lucky had duped me into trusting her."
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  • What does "boil my potatoes" mean in this sentence? "People found a new way to boil my potatoes - they stopped believing in leprechauns."
    Make me mad
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  • Why did Lucky follow Mac everywhere?
    Because she was protecting him, being his guard dog.
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  • How does Mac's character change through the story?
    At first he was alone and grouchy, at the end he was nice and happy.
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  • How did Lucky show Mac that he was a good friend?
    By always being with him and protecting him.
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  • What did you learn about friendship in this story?
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