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Ready for Advanced Unit 7 Verbs of reporting

  •  English    16     Public
    sentence transformations
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 'You should get more sleep,' the doctor told me. ADVISED The doctor …….
    The doctor advised me to get more sleep.
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  • 'Eating more fruit is good for you too,' she said. RECOMMENDED She ……….
    She recommended that I eat more fruit. She recommended eating more fruit.
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  • 'I didn't take any lozenges (pills) that day', he said. DENIED He ………..
    He denied taking any lozenges (pills) that day.
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  • 'You need to take some precautions', said the doctor. EXPLAINED The doctor ….
    The doctor explained that we needed to take some precautions.
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  • 'I am not going to try any herbal remedies', she said. REFUSED She …….
    She refused to try any herbal remedies.
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  • 'You won the fight against cancer. Well done!” the doctor said to the patient. CONGRATULATED The doctor…..
    The doctor congratulated the patient on winning the fight against cancer.
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  • 'If you don't eat properly, you will suffer from iron deficiency', said the doctor WARNED The doctor…..
    The doctor warned me that if I didn't eat properly, I would suffer from iron deficiency.
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  • 'You should take these tables to reduce the swelling on your knee', said mum. INSISTED Mum.......
    Mum insisted on taking those tables to reduce the swelling on my knee.
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  • 'Ok, I agree to undergo the treatment,' said the patient. CONSENTED The patient …...
    The patient consented to undergo the treatment.
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  • 'I'm not going to give a lecture on terminal illnesses', said the professor. OBJECTED The professor …....
    The professor objected to giving a lecture on terminal illnesses.
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  • ' I'm really sorry but I misdiagnosed your illness”, said the doctor. APOLOGISED The doctor....
    The doctor apologised for misdiagnosing his/her/my illness.
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  • You (drug company) are hiding information about possible side effects of your new drug,”said the journalist. ACCUSED
    The journalist accused the drug company of hiding information about possible side effects of their new drug.
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  • 'Please avoid infectious diseases', said the doctor to me. WARNED AGAINST The doctor …..
    The doctor warned me against infectious diseases.
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  • 'You should do some blood tests', said Tom. SUGGESTED Tom ….....
    Tom suggested doing some blood tests. Tom suggested that I (should) do some blood tests.
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  • 'You need to see a doctor immediately'. Tim said to Mary. URGED Tim …........
    Tim urged Mary to see a doctor immediately.
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  • 'Shall I buy you some nasal drops at the chemist's?' Tom asked her. OFFERED Tom ….........
    Tom offered to buy some nasal drops for her at the chemist's.
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