Game Preview


  •  English    12     Public
    Using manners to communicate
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What could you say if you bump into someone?
    Get out of my way
    Excuse me
  •  15
  • If someone is making noises that bother you, What could you say?
    Please stop.
    Shut up
  •  15
  • What do you say if someone is in your way and you need to get by?
    Excuse me.
    Get out of my way now!
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  • What should you do when it is someone else's turn to talk?
    Listen. Be quiet. Give them time to talk.
    Blurt out the answer. Talk over them.
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  • What do you do if you don't know somebody's name and want to talk to them?
    Just giggle and look at them.
    Introduce yourself and ask them "What is your name?"
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  • What should you do if you are going out a door and there is someone behind you?
    Let the door shut in their face.
    Hold the door open for the person behind you.
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  • What do you do if you want to answer a question or comment during a classroom lesson or discussion??
    Shout out an answer.
    Raise your hand.
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  • If two people are talking and you want to say something, Is it polite to interrupt?
    Yes. You should just shout out your comment.
    No. You should wait until they are finished.
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  • What does it mean to be polite?
    To use nice words and be kind and take turns.
    Use mean words. To be rude and undkind.
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  • Is it ok to scream or make loud noises in class?
    No. I should use an appropriate volume when talking in class
    Yes. It is ok to scream out my answer or make loud noises
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  • What are some words or phrases you can use to encourage your classmates?
    Great Job, Keep it up!, Way to go! High Five! You're Awesome
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  • Is it ok to walk over and touch or grab one of your classmates?
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