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Kitchen Safety

  •  English    25     Public
    Practice your kitchen safety knowledge!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or False: Using a cutting board for cutting food is a safe kitchen practice.
    True! It will also protect your counters from knife marks.
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  • Safe or Unsafe? Grabbing a can lid you just opened by the edges.
    Unsafe! The edges are very sharp and can cut you.
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  • When working in the kitchen, when should you wash your hands?
    before cooking, after touching raw meat or eggs, after touching your hair or face, and after using the restroom...
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  • True or False: Kitchen cleaners should be stored away from food.
    True! Cleaning chemicals should NEVER be stored near food.
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  • Safe or Unsafe: Walking around the kitchen with sharp knives and utensils.
    Unsafe! If you need to walk around, put the sharp thing down first!
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  • Name a knife safety rule
    Hold only by the middle, keep away from table or counter edge, do not walk around with it.
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  • How can we protect our hands while taking hot pots and pans out of the oven or microwave?
    Wearing oven mitts
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  • True or False: It is NOT safe to put metal (foil, cans, utensils) in the microwave
    True! Only use paper, glass, or microwave safe dishes.
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  • Kitchen Safety
    Kitchen Safety
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