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C2 Transformations so far

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  • To be honest I would have thought about it carefully if the company had offered me a job to work in a different country. JUMP To be honest if the company had offered me a job abroad I ............................................. w...
    To be honest if the company had offered me a job abroad I WOULDN'T HAVE JUMPED AT THE CHANCE TO work in a different country.
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  • So that he would be able to leave the room quickly, Mathew stood by the door. POSITIONED Matthew to be able to leave the room quickly.
    Mathew POSITIONED HIMSELF BY THE DOOR - SO as to be able to leave the room quickly
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  • In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. SHORT The fact that they survived the accident was......................, in my opinion.
    The fact that they survived the accident was NOTHING SHORT OF -A MIRACLE/ MIRACULOUS, in my opinion.
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  • I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. POWER I ...............................................this problem from arising.
    I DID EVERYTHING (WITH)IN MY POWER - TO PREVENT /STOP this problem from arising.
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  • I don't think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. JUSTIFIED I don't think you ................................................fuss about the service.
    I don't think you WERE JUSTIFIED IN - MAKING SUCH A fuss about the service.
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  • Laura was faced by a lot of problems during her childhood. CONTEND Laura had a .....................................................during her childhood.
    Laura had a LOT OF PROBLEMS TO - CONTEND WITH during her childhood.
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  • The audience suddenly started to applaud loudly. SUDDEN All ................................................... from the audience.
    All ALL OF A SUDDEN - THERE WAS LOUD APPLAUSE from the audience.
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  • The new restrictions will become law this evening at midnight. EFFECT he new restrictions will..................... this evening at midnight.
    The new restrictions will COME INTO EFFECT this evening at midnight.
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  • It is rumoured that John is going to get promoted when Sally leaves at the end of the year. LINE It is rumoured that John .......................... when Sally leaves at the end of the year.
    Rumour has it that John IS IN LINE FOR PROMOTION when Sally leaves at the end of the year.
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  • Please fill out this form following the rules set out on our website. IN Please fill out this form........................the rules set out on our website.
    Please fill out this form IN ACCORDANCE WITH the rules set out on our website.
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  • My uncle is still struggling to accept that his employers sacked him. OVER My uncle is still struggling to ................................................from his job.
    My uncle is still struggling to GET OVER - BEING MADE REDUNDANT / FIRED, SACKED from his job.
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  • The government has recieved a lot of cristicism for the way it handled the pandemic. COME The government has ..............................handling of the pandemic.
    The government has COME UNDER A LOT OF CRITICISM FOR ITS handling of the pandemic.
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  • My boss didn't tell me about the merger until the last minute. KEPT My boss ........................the merger until the last minute.
    My boss KEPT ME IN THE DARK ABOUT the merger until the last minute
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  • She made a big effort to finish the race in second place. STOPS She ........................ to finish the race in second place.
    She PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS to finish the race in second place.
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  • I have to admit the salesmans's kind attitude and polite manner tricked me into buying one of his dodgey products. IN I have to admit ........................ the salesman's kind attitude and polite manner and I bought one of his d...
    I have to admit I WAS TAKEN IN BY the salesman's kind attitude and polite manner and I bought one of his dodgy products.
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  • He's determined to become a singer-songwriter, he practices every waking minute. HEARTHe's ............................................. a singer-songwriter, he practices every waking minute.
    He's SET HIS HEART ON BEING/BECOMING a singer-songwriter, he practices every waking minute.
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