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Cultural clash

  •  English    11     Public
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  • Spanish explorers were amazed when they saw the Aztec city because it was floating on a lake. True or false?
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  • Where was the Aztec capital? A. Mexico City B. the Aztec Empire C. Tenochtitlan D. Lake Texcoco
    C. Tenochititlan
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  • How did the Aztec become so powerful? A. They migrated south in search of food and began to conquer neighbors. B. They defeated the people living near Lake Texcoco. C. They learned how to farm. D. They built towns and a strong army.
    D. They built towns and a strong army.
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  • How did the Aztec feel about the Spanish when arriving? A. worried, didn' trust B. excited, wanted Spanish armor and horses C. afraid, the Spanish were made of metal D. confused, the Spanish were so different
    D. confused, the Spanish were so different
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  • After the Spanish kidnapped Moctezuma, they A. stole Aztec golf and sent it back to Spain B. shipped their prisoner, Moctezuma, back to Spain C. destroyed Aztec temples D. melted Aztec gold into bars and hid them
    A. stole Aztec golf and sent it back to Spain
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  • If Moctezuma had fought the men who kidnapped him, this would be an example of conflict. True or false?
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  • What one thing helped the Spanish the most in defeating the Aztec? A. a large army B. smallpox C. steel swords D. guns
    B. smallpox
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  • Which part of the text on page 369 best summarizes what happened to Mexican culture after Spanish defeated the Aztec.
    After 1521, Mexico slowly developed a new culture. This new culture was neither Aztec nor Spanish. It was both!
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  • When two cultures blend, what happens? A. Both cultures remain the same B. Parts of both cultures come together, form a new culture. C. One culture replaces the other D. Both cultures disappear, are replaced by a new one
    B. Parts of both cultures come together, form a new culture.
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