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Odyssey ALL

  •  English    47     Public
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  • "O Father Zeus and gods in bliss forever, punish Odysseus' men! So overweening, now they have killed my peaceful kine, my joy at morning when I climbed the sky of starts."
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  • "Stranger, you are no longer what you were just now! Your cloak is new; even your skin!"
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  • "God! What evil wind blew in this pest?"
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  • "Think what difficulty the gods gave: they denied us life together in our prime and flowering years."
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  • '"Son of Laertes and seed of Zeus, resourceful Odysseus, you shall no longer stay in my house when none of you wish to; but first there is another journey you must accomplish and reach the house of Hades and of revered Persephone,...
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  • a long narrative poem about the deeds of gods or heroes.
    epic (lit)
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  • an original model on which something was patterned
    archetype (lit)
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  • larger-than-life figure who embodies the ideals of a nation or race
    epic hero (lit)
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  • A character who is used as a contrast to another character
    foil (lit)
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  • a struggle between opposing forces; in literature, common types are man v. self, man v. society, man v. man, or man v. nature
    conflict (lit)
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  • struggle between a character and an outside force such as nature or another character
    external conflict (lit)
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  • A struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within a single character
    internal conflict (lit)
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  • into the middle of a sequence of events as in a literary narrative
    in medias res (lit)
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  • A descriptive name or phrase used to characterize someone or something
    epithet (lit)
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  • a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length
    epic simile/Homeric simile (lit)
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  • a prayer for help
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