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Our Teeth

  •  English    12     Public
    Let's take a look at some vocabulary about our teeth and their uses :D
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  • Which word describes kinds of teeth? -Grip -Incisor -Crush
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  • ___, also called eyeteeth or cuspids, are teeth. Their function is to grip and tear food. You have four of them and they are they are your sharpest teeth -Canines -Molars -Incisors
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  • Which teeth are at the back of the mouth and chew food into small pieces? -Molars -Jaw -Canine
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  • What are animals that eat other animals called? -Herbivores -Omnivores -Carnivores
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  • What kind of animals do only eat plants? -Herbivores -Omnivores -Carnivores
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  • What kind of animals do eat fruit, vegetables and meat? -Omnivores - Carnivores -Herbivores
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  • What are knives used for? -Cavity -Slice -Crush
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  • Which verb means to hold tightly? -Crush -Grip -Slice
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  • Which of the following verbs means to break into little pieces? -To brush -To Crush - To Slice
    -To Crush
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  • 10) If you don't brush your teeth frequently, you will get a ____ -Incisor -Cavity -Molar
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  • What's the word for "a firm tissue that covers the surface of the jaws and partly covers the bottom of the teeth"? -Cavity -Canine -Gums
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  • What word do we use for the two bones that form the frame of the mouth and that hold the teeth? -Jaws -Tongue -Cavity
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