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3Q SCIENCE-8 Structure and functions of plants P ...

  •  English    18     Public
    Stems and leaves 5G
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  • What are vines?
    Vines are climbing or creeping woody plants.
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  • What are woody plants with many erect growing stems or branches?
    Shrubs (or bushes) are woody plants with many erect growing stems or branches
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  • What are the stem of trees?
    The stem of trees is the TRUNK.
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  • What are the types of specialized stems?
    The types of specialized stems are 1)Stolon or runner 2)Tuber 3)Corm 4)Bulb 5)Rhizome
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  • What specialized stem is soft and grows horizontally and is partially submerged in the ground? Example of this is the strawberry.
    The STOLON or RUNNER is a soft specialized stem that grows horizontally and is partially submerged in the ground; usually develops from nodes touching the soil.
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  • What specialized stem is a short underground stem? Give examples.
    The TUBER is a short underground specialized stem, such as the potato and camote.
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  • What specialized stem is short with much stored food? Give examples.
    The CORM is a short specialized stem with much stored food? Examples include the gabi, gladiola, and taro.
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  • What specialized stem stores food in its leafy scales? Give examples.
    The BULB is a specialized stem that stores food in its leafy scales. An example would be the onion.
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  • What specialized stem is long and fleshy and grows parallel to the ground? Give examples.
    The RHIZOME is a specialized stem that is long and fleshy and grows parallel to the ground. Examples include the ginger and camia.
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  • What is the function of the leaf?
    The leaf is the main food making organ of the plant, its flat surface allowing light to reach its food making cells.
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  • What are the phloem cells?
    The phloem cells in the leaves extend into tubes to transport food from the leaves to the stems and the rest of the plant.
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  • What is the process of food making in plants?
    Photosynthesis is the process of food making in plants.
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  • What are is the green ingredient that plants use for food making?
    Chlorophyll is the green ingredient that plants use for food making.
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  • What part of the leaves are the small leaf-like outgrowth at the base of the petiole?
    The STIPULES are the small leaf-like outgrowth at the base of the petiole.
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  • What part of the leaves is the continuation of the stem with the rest of the leaf?
    The PETIOLE or LEAF STALK is the part of the leaves that is the continuation of the stem with the rest of the leaf. It is usually found in flowering plants.
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  • What is the exposed flat expanded portion of the leaf?
    The LEAF BLADE is the exposed flat expanded portion of the leaf.
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