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3Q SCIENCE-5 Adaptation of Animals

  •  English    17     Public
    Adaptation of Animals G5
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  • What is adaptation?
    Ability of animals to adjust (or adapt) to their environment via an animal's body parts and behavior.
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  • What is mimicry?
    Mimicry is an adaptation of an animal, where it copies the color, shape, and habits of another animal so they can survive.
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  • What is migration?
    Moving as a group from one place to another and then back again, the way that bees and insects do.
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  • Identify birds and other animals' reasons for migration.
    1)better climate 2)better food 3)safe place to live in 4)better place to raise their young
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  • What is hibernation?
    Hibernation is a process where animals sleep for a long period of time.
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  • What do frogs, toads, and salamanders do to cool themselves aside from staying at the bottom of the creek, etc.
    They seek out cool mud to prevent their skin from drying out.
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  • What is estivation?
    Estivation is the process of slowing down the bodies activities during the dry season.
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  • What do opossum, some snakes, and skunks do in adapting and to protect themselves. Give examples.
    They use diversionary tactics, like the possum playing dead, the snake remaining motionless, and the skunks spraying foul liquid.
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  • What is camouflage?
    Camouflage is an adaptation technique animals use where they blend with the color, pattern, or appearance in their environment.
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  • What lizard is best known for its camouflage ability?
    The chameleon is the lizard best known for its camouflage ability.
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  • What is an adaptation technique animals use where they blend with the color, pattern, or appearance in their environment?
    Camouflage is an adaptation technique animals use where they blend with the color, pattern, or appearance in their environment.
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  • What is moving as a group from one place to another and then back again? Give examples of animals that do this.
    Migration is moving as a group from one place to another and then back again, the way that bees and insects do.
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  • What is the ability of animals to adjust to their environment via an animal's body parts and behavior.
    Adaptation is the ability of animals to adjust (or adapt) to their environment via an animal's body parts and behavior.
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  • What are some techniques that animals have adapted for reproduction?
    Regeneration and producing eggs are some techniques that animals have adapted for reproduction.
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  • What refers to the many different lives forms that exist in creation?
    BIODIVERSITY refers to the many different lives forms that exist in creation.
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  • What do we call plants and animals that lived in the past but now have no living members left? What about those that have only a few living members left?
    Plants and animals are called EXTINCT when they lived in the past but now have no living members left.
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