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3Q SCIENCE-3 Invertebrates (Arthropods)

  •  English    16     Public
    Invertebrates (Arthropods)
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  • What are arthropods?
    Arthropods are joint-legged animals, the largest group of animals in the world.
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  • What is the largest group of animals in the world?
    Arthropods are joint-legged animals. It is the largest group of animals and are found in air, land, freswater, and saltwater.
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  • What is the largest group of arthropods?
    Insects is the largest group of arthropods, and can be found anywhere in the world.
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  • What is the hard outer covering of arthropods?
    The hard outer covering of the arthropods is the EXOSKELETON, made of CHITIN.
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  • What arthropods have four pairs pf legs? Give an example.
    Arachnids are arthropods that have four pairs pf legs, like the spider.
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  • What are the parts of the body of the spiders?
    The bodies of spiders are divided into two, the joined head and thorax and abdomen.
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  • What arthropods have five pairs pf legs? Give examples.
    Crustaceans are arthropods with five pairs of legs. Examples of crustaceans include the crabs and lobsters.
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  • What are pincers?
    Pincers are the crustaceans' frontmost pairs of legs which they use to grab food ant to protect themselves. The other four pairs are for walking.
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  • What arthropods have long bodies with many segments and many legs?
    Millipedes and centipedes are arthropods with long bodies with many segments and many legs?
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  • What arthropods have long FLAT bodies with one pair of leg in every segment?
    CENTIPEDES are arthropods with long FLAT bodies with one pair of leg in every segment.
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  • What arthropods have long round bodies with two pair of leg in every segment?
    MILLIPEDES are arthropods with long round bodies with two pair of leg in every segment.
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  • What arthropods have three pairs of legs?
    Insects have six pairs of legs and most of them have a pair of wings.
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  • To what group of invertebrates does the BUTTERFLY belong?
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  • To what group of invertebrates does the SNAIL belong?
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  • To what group of invertebrates does the STARFISH belong?
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  • To what group of invertebrates does the LIVERFLUKE belong?
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