Game Preview

Problem Sizes and How to React

  •  English    19     Public
    Identifying the size of the problem and an appropriate reaction
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You lost in a game you were playing with friends. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Glitch. Tell your friends "good game", say "bummer", "oh well", "there's always next time", etc.
  •  15
  • It's time to take your medicine, but you don't want to. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Glitch. Tell parent how you feel. Get a glass of water. Take the medicine and drink your water.
  •  20
  • You cannot find a favorite toy or game you want to play with What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Little. Look for it. Retrace your steps. If you can't find it ask for help.
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  • You tripped and bumped your knee while playing What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Little. Get up and keep playing! If you got a cut ask parent for help.
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  • You lied about finishing your HW to your parents. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Talk to your parents and apologize for lying. Makeup the work.
  •  20
  • Your pencil breaks and you do not have another one. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Glitch. Sharpen it if you can. Ask your teacher for a pencil.
  •  5
  • You spill your drink on the table or on yourself. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Little. Get napkins and clean it up.
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  • A tornado goes through your house. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Emergency. Take shelter with your family, help with cleaning up, etc.
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  • You mom is not feeling well and has been in bed all day. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Help take care of her by: bringing a cup of water, keeping noise level low.
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  • Your friend bumped into you and you both fell and got hurt. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Go see the nurse. Apologize to your friend.
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  • You left your toy outside in the rain and now it is rusty and not working. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Little. Calmly tell an adult what happened. It can be replaced.
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  • Someone is calling you names and being mean to you. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Tell an adult. Ignore the student
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  • Your mom asks you to turn off the game you're playing to start HW, but you don't want to. What's the size of the problem? What's the appropriate reaction?
    Little. You can play after you're done with HW. Or you can ask for a break after completing 5 questions.
  •  5
  • Someone in the same room as you is being really loud and noisy. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Little. Let them know. "I'm having a hard time focusing with the noise." Tell an adult.
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  • Your teacher asked the class a question. You raised your hand but the teacher didn't call on you. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Glitch. Raise your hand to answer the next question. Shrug your shoulders.
  •  15
  • You make a mistake on your HW assignment and your Mom corrects you. What's the size of the problem? What's the appropriate reaction?
    Glitch. She's helping you!
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