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  •  English    14     Public
    Give the correct answers to the questions related to the 1st World War.
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  • What was the main cause of World War I?
    World War I began after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.
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  • Which were the two sides in the war?
    The war confronted the Central Powers against the Allies
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  • The principal countries in the Central Powers were...
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
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  • Where did the soldiers live/stay during the war?
    They lived in trenches, to protect World War I troops from bullets and from other artillery attacks.
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  • The principal countries in the Allies were...
    France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, (and from 1917, the United States)
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  • Who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
    The South Slav nationalist student Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914.
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  • Which countries declared war on Russia (after the death of Franz Ferdinand)?
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I.
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  • What event occurred after the end of World War I?
    The Treaty of Versailles
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  • Why did the Allies meet at the Treaty of Versailles?
    The Allied powers met in Versailles to decide on the key points surrounding the First World War; who was to pay, who caused the war...
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  • How many people died in the war (more or less)?
    Between 10-20 million people die during WW1
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  • Who "won" the WW1?
    The Allies won World War 1 after four years of combat and deaths.
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  • The phases of the war were: Movement phase, Trench warfare and...
    World phase, during which the battles took place on different fronts - on land, air and sea in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa and Asia.
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  • Name 1 of the following inventions that emerged in WW1: Tank / Molotov Cocktail / Hot-air balloon
    Invented by the British, the first tanks were used in September 1916 (Battle of the Somme). The tank did a great deal to end the horrors of trench warfare.
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  • Name 1 of the following inventions that did not emerged in WW1: Zeppelin / Atomic Bomb / Camouflage
    Atomic Bombs were created during WW2, around 1940
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