Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
    A review of the unit
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's the name of the unit?
    A day at the Mall
  •  15
  • Name three places of a mall
    Cinema,restaurant, clothes shop
  •  15
  • Name three types of summer clothes
    Bathing suit, short jeans and t-shirt
  •  15
  • EXTRA POINTS! Make a quick dance with your team
  •  20
  • You are bored during Summer holidays.Make a suggestion to your team.
    Why don´t we... / Let's ...
  •  15
  • Which vocabulary word is? "_ e _ k _ _ d"
  •  15
  • Ask one of your classmates about preferences
    "I like _____ but I prefer _____"
  •  20
  • Name three winter clothes
    Gloves, scarf, coat...
  •  15
  • Spell the following words correctly: POPCORN-BORING-ANGRY
  •  20
  • Name one adjective for each teammate
    Smart, happy, tired, funny,amazing, kind, cute,polite...
  •  20
  • Which IS NOT an adjective? quiet- noise- shy- handsome- blond
    Noise; the adjective is NOISY.
  •  20
  • Describe one of your classmates; your team has to guess who is he/she.
  •  25
  • Complete the following sentence with the right conjuction: Every weekend my family chooses going to a movie ____ a restaurant.
  •  15
  • Make a right sentence using a conjuction.
    Example: What do you want to eat salad or chicken nuggets?
  •  10
  • Ask for permission in a polite way
    Example: Could you bring me a glass of water? May I get the menu?
  •  20
  • Is it right? "I will going to Madrid next Saturday"
    No; I am going to Madrid next Saturday
  •  15