Game Preview

How far do you understand the passage???

  •  English    11     Public
    check your understanding about the text
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Task 1: 2) Thanks to modern technology, scientists have been able to________ the life of plants and animals that live under the sea.
  •  15
  • Task1: 4)________ is a term that refers to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment.
  •  15
  • Task 2: 3) What can submarines do to help scientists know about the undersea world?
    They send submarines to investigate the seabed and bring samples of marine life back to the surface for further study.
  •  25
  • Task 2: 4) What can we learn from the satellite photos?
    We can learn about water temperature, depth and the undersea populations.
  •  20
  • Task 1: 5)These scientists have collected different________ to analyse for their experiment.
  •  15
  • Task 2: 1) What percentage of the earth's surface is covered by seas and oceans?
  •  15
  • Task 1: 3) A____ is a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land.
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  • Task 2: 6) What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maintained?
    Marine life would be at stake.
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  • Task 2: 5) What are three groups of marine plants and animals ?
    Those that live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish, those that move independently of water currents and those that are carried along by the currents.
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  • Task 2: 2) How do scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth ?
    By using modern devices.
  •  20
  • Task 1: 1) Some plants and animals are referred to as _________ organisms because they are extremely small.
  •  15