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  •  English    42     Public
    Test all aspects of your English knowledge from Grammar to Vocabulary to Spelling. Beware: Some questions don't have any problems.
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  • Of all the beautiful places to visit, I recommend to go to the park on the outskirts of town as there are several viewpoints.
    Of all the beautiful places to visit, I recommend GOING to the park on the outskirts of town as there are several viewpoints.
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  • I would be lying on a beach in the Caribbean right now if I had won the lottery, but defortunately I’m stuck here with you.
    I would be lying on a beach in the Caribbean right now if I had won the lottery, but UNFORTUNATELY I’m stuck here with you.
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  • She said that it sounded to her good, which was good enough for me. She has been living in Australia for nearly 10 years, after all.
    She said that it sounded GOOD TO HER, which was good enough for me. She has been living in Australia for nearly 10 years, after all.
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  • I’ve been saying you for years that that drawer was broken but you never did anything about it. Now we have nowhere to put our things.
    I’ve been TELLING you for years that that drawer was broken but you never did anything about it. Now we have nowhere to put our things.
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  • I’ve had to have my car repaired so many times now that it would be cheaper to have set up my own garage.
    I’ve had to have my car repaired so many times now that it would HAVE BEEN cheaper to have set up my own garage.
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  • You wouldn’t believed me even if I had told you the truth. Besides, the lie was far more interesting.
    You wouldn’t HAVE believed me even if I had told you the truth. Besides, the lie was far more interesting.
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  • Shakespeare is said to be one of the most affluent writers of all time but is just an opinion. There’s no scientific proof to back up the claim.
    Shakespeare is said to be one of the most affluent writers of all time but IT'S just an opinion. There’s no scientific proof to back up the claim.
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  • Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is repeating the same action but waiting a different result.”
    Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is repeating the same action but EXPECTING a different result.”
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  • I’m just about to board my flight but I call you when I land. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.
    I’m just about to board my flight but I WILL call you when I land. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.
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  • After four year of study they concluded that there is no link between drinking milk and cancer. It had all been made up.
    After four yearS of study they concluded that there is no link between drinking milk and cancer. It had all been made up.
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  • I’m sorry, Ms Hawthorne isn’t avaliable at the moment. If you like you could leave a message for her and I’ll see that she gets back to you.
    I’m sorry, Ms Hawthorne isn’t AVAILABLE at the moment. If you like you could leave a message for her and I’ll see that she gets back to you.
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  • I’ve always looked up to Madonna. I used to listen her music all the time but nowadays I find her music to be a little overproduced.
    I’ve always looked up to Madonna. I used to listen TO her music all the time but nowadays I find her music to be a little overproduced.
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  • I’m used to not have much money. My parents never let a lack of funds stop us from enjoying ourselves or carrying on with life.
    I’m used to not HAVING much money. My parents never let a lack of funds stop us from enjoying ourselves or carrying on with life.
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  • Still he doesn’t know what he’s going to study at university. He needs to come up with something soon as the deadline’s this Friday!
    HE STILL doesn’t know what he’s going to study at university. He needs to come up with something soon as the deadline’s this Friday!
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  • I am fed up with all the housework that I have to do. It’s so bored and I can think of a million other things I’d rather be doing.
    I am fed up with all the housework that I have to do. It’s so BORING and I can think of a million other things I’d rather be doing.
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  • It wasn’t necessarily the best idea she’d ever done had but nothing else had been put forward so it was the only plan we were left with.
    It wasn’t necessarily the best idea she’d ever (no done) had but nothing else had been put forward so it was the only plan we were left with.
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