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C1 Review Term 1

  •  English    25     Public
    Revision of the grammar and vocabulary from term 1
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  • What does this saying mean? To be snowed under
    to have a lot of work and other things to deal with
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  • What does this saying mean? to knuckle down
    to begin to study or work hard
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  • What does this saying mean? To lose your bearings
    to be confused about where you are
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  • What does this saying mean? To travel light
    To carry very little luggage
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  • What does this saying mean? To do things by the book.
    according to the rules
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  • What does this saying mean? To turn a blind eye
    to ignore something that you know is wrong
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  • What does this saying mean? To get on like a house on fire.
    When people have a very good and friendly relationship.
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  • What does this saying mean? Another kettle of fish
    To be completely different from something or someone.
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  • Which preposition do you use with these phrasal verbs? 1. bottle ___ 2. brush ___ on 3. crack ___
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  • Which preposition do you use with these phrasal verbs? 1. opt ___ of 3. drop ___ of
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  • Which prepositions do you use with these phrasal verbs? 1. lay ___ (an employee) 2. tell ____ (a person) 3. give ___ (fumes)
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  • Complete the saying: When it rains, it ___________.
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  • Explain what these words mean. Which have positive connotations? 1. reckless, laid-back 2. chatty, conscientious
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  • Change these nouns into adjectives: 1. mood 2. sympathy 3. excitement 4. chat 5. stress
    1. moody 2. sympathetic 3. excited 4. chatty 5. stressful / stressed
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  • Make these words negative. 1. polite 2. aware 3. qualified
    1. impolite 2. unaware 3. unqualified
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  • Make a word with each of these suffixes: 1. - minded 2. - proof 3. - worthy
    ... students own answers ...
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