Game Preview

Think It or Say It?

  •  English    20     Public
    to help encourage impulse control and promote social awareness
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You notice a classmate got a new haircut that you don't think looks god. You say "Your haircut looks silly!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You and a classmate are talking. You say "Eww, your breath smells!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • It is lunchtime. Someone begins putting their stuff down next to you. You say "I don't want to sit next to you!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You are in science class and you say out loud "Do you want to know what I had for dinner last night?"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You go up to a classmate and say "I heard a rumor about you!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • It is time to go home from school. Your friend puts their backpack on and something falls out. You say "Hey! Something fell out of your bag!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • Your teacher is giving instructions out to the class. You are feeling confused. You ask "Can you repeat that, please?"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You are playing a game with your friend. Your friend wins and you are feeling frustrated. You say "There is no way you beat me! You're a cheater!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You are talking with your friend and notice that they look sad. You say "Are you okay? You seem sad."
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You and your sibling have an argument. After calming down, you say "I am sorry for upsetting you earlier."
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • Your parent tells you to do something that you do not want to do. You say "I hate you!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You are working on homework and begin to feel overwhelmed. You say "I need to take a break."
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • A classmate answers a question wrong in front of the class. You say "You are so stupid!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • Your sibling apologizes for being rude to you. You say "I forgive you."
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You parent notices you seem a bit down. You say "I feel sad."
    think it or say it?
  •  15
  • You get a test back and notice you have a higher grade than your classmate. You say "I am so much smarter than you!"
    think it or say it?
  •  15