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An Interview with Naomi Shihab Nye review

  •  English    12     Public
    Reviewing 'An Interview with Naomi Shihab Nye' from Natgeo's Inside books.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's a 'writing circle?'
    A group of writers to share your works with.
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  • What does Naomi Shihab Nye say is the responsibility of writers?
    To read
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  • Where does Naomi usually write?
    At a long wooden table
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  • Which Grandma did Naomi write about when she was a young child?
    Her German grandma.
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  • How old was Naomi when she started writing?
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  • What city was Naomi born in?
    St Louis
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  • How old was Naomi when her family moved to Jerusalem?
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  • What does Naomi say weaved in and out of her writings?
    Places that she lived.
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  • What are some things that Naomi wrote about as a young child? Name at least 2.
    Animals, her grandma, her friend who moved away, trees
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  • What are some reasons that Naomi said she liked poems when she was a kid? Name at least two.
    The portable and comfortable shape, the space around the edges, and being able to hold them far away and still read them.
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  • Naomi says that she's one of the few people that...
    loves being in airports.
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  • What sort of events does the book say Naomi's poems often describe?
    Ordinary events
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