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Idioms Quiz-By Miss Ruchi Kothari

  •  English    26     Public
    Idioms Quiz for Grade 3
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  • "to beat around the bush"                  A) to avoid talking about something                                            B) to take a long time do something 
    A) to avoid talking about something
  •  15
  • 'hold your horses' A) Wait a moment B)Fly Away
    A) Wait a moment
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  • It's raining cats and dogs
    Cats & dogs are falling from the sky
    It is raining heavily
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  • I feel 'Under the weather'.What does this idiom means?
    I feel cold and I need sweater
    I feel sick.
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  • A picture is worth 1000 words.What does this idiom means?
    I can paint words
    Better to show than tell
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  • It's not rocket science,What does this mean?
    This is an astronomy lesson
    It's not complicated
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  • 'Wrap your head around something'-What does this idiom mean?
    Wrap your head with a towel
    Understand something complicated
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  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush-What does this idiom mean?
    A hunter is hunting birds
    What you have is worth more than what you might have later
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  • Better late than never-What does this idiom mean?
    a good thing that seemed bad at first
    Better to arrive late than not to come at all
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  • Spill the beans -What does this idiom mean?
    Give away a secret
    It's your decision
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