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Prof.ed 5 Special education

  •  Armenian    13     Public
    Special education quiz for bsed3
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  • The practice of full integrating all students into classroom instructions regardless of physical limitations and gender.
  •  20
  • Not all people have the ability to learn, especially to those who have disabilities.
  •  15
  • It is an act establishing a ten years teacher taining program for teachers of special and exceptional children.
    RA 5250
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  • As a teacher who might you need to collaborate with if you teach students with disabilities in a specialized setting?
    A therapist or specialist
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  • Research indicates that individuals with learning disabilities often do not know how to learn.
  •  20
  • An act provides the right and privileges of disabled persons to education, political rights and civil rights.
    Magna Carta for PWDs or 7277
  •  20
  • It is an act provides a right to a conducive for his/her physical, moral and intellectual development.
    Commonwealth Act. No. 3203
  •  20
  • Jacob can easily understand the lessons through pictures or graphs. What type of learner he is?
    Visual Learners
  •  15
  • Sam is a mentally retarded person. He is a person who has certain limitations in cognitive functioning and skills, including communication, social and self-care skills. What kind of learning disabilities does he have?
    Intellectual disabilities (ID)
  •  15
  • What types of learners that understand concepts best by Listening to podcasts or recorded tapes.
    Auditory learners
  •  20
  • Give at least 3 special learning disability.
    Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder and non- verbal learning disability.
  •  25
  • It is a practice or specially designed instruction that meets the needs of exceptional students.
    Special education
  •  20
  • Give me at least one barrier to inclusive education
    curriculum, Attitude, Physical barrier, teachers, language and communication and socio-economic factors.
  •  15