Act it out! You are in your room playing video games, the doorbell rings and your mom yells out that the visitors are here. Start a conversation and greet the guests!
Act it out! You open a present from your grandma. You don't really like it. What do you say or do?
Ex: Thank you grandma! I appreciate how kind and generous you are. I know you put your thoughtfulness into picking this out for me!
Act it out! Your cousins just arrived at your house. Initiate and maintain a conversation! (remember ask, comment, follow-up..)
Problem solve: Your parents throw a big Christmas party at your house. You start to get overwhelmed by the amount of people. What can you do/say?
Christmas Manners: If you are invited to someone's home for Christmas dinner, what are 3 things you could do to show your appreciation?
Bring a small gift, compliment their home, decorations, or food. Offer to help set the table or clean up.
Act it out! Your uncle just arrived at your house, you have to finish cleaning your room. Start, maintain, and end the conversation.
You are feeling burnt out or stressed from all the visitors and need a break, what can you do or say?