Game Preview

What would you say?

  •  English    12     Public
    Using persuasive language within a given context
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A police officer pulls you over & says "You were going 55 in a 35" when you weren't speeding.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • A friend asks you for $20 so they can buy lunch this week.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • Your teacher gives you a zero on a homework assignment when you are confident you turned in the worksheet.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • Someone you met while gaming online asks you for your address so they can send you a gift.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • You need more time to finish your final exam.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • Your brother asks you for advice on how to ask out the person he likes, but you know that person already has a boyfriend.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • Your cousin offers you a drink of his beverage at your holiday dinner, but you know the drink has alcohol in it.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • Your dad congratulates your brother on getting an A on the English test, but you know he actually failed.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • A store clerk tells you they don't have any more birthday cakes, but you know you saw someone buying one before you in line.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • A teammate asks you to tell your coach that they're sick when you really know they are skipping practice to go to a concert.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • A teacher isn't listening to you as you're trying to tell them a funny story.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15
  • You're working on a group project and a group mate says you don't need to do a presentation, but you know that's a part of the project.
    Did you provide a sufficient amount of information? Was your language appropriate for the communication partner?
  •  15