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Animal Farm 3 & 4

  •  English    24     Public
    Animal Farm 3 & 4
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the role of the pigs in bringing in the harvest?
    Directing and supervising the other animals
  •  15
  • Why was the harvesting so successful?
    It was finished in a short amount of time and it was the biggest harvest that the farm had ever seen
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  • What is Boxer's answer to every problem?
    Working harder
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  • Which two animals work less than the others?
    Mollie and the cat
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  • What are the 3 parts of the ceremony that occur each Sunday?
    1. The raising of the flag 2. The assembly 3. The singing of the Beasts of England
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  • Why are the Seven Commandments simplified to a single phrase?
    The animals cannot memorize them
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  • What is the phrase of the Seven Commandments?
    Four legs good, two legs bad
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  • What happens to the milk and the extra apples?
    The pigs take them
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  • Why do the pigs take the milk and extra apples?
    It makes them smarter and they do all of the thinking; everything on the farm depends on them and they need to be healthy
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  • What does Squealer say to frighten the other animals into agreeing?
    What does Squealer say to frighten the other animals into agreeing?
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  • How do animals from the other farms find out about Animal Farm?
    The pigeons told them
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  • What effect does animal farm have on the other animals?
    Civil disobedience (they start to become more rebellous)
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  • Which humans try to recapture the farm?
    Mr. Jones / Men from Foxwood / Men from Pinchfield
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  • How did the animals defeat the humans?
    By ambush and then attacking them
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  • How does the battle end?
    The animals run the humans off of the farm
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  • Why does the sheep recieve the Animals Hero, Second Class award?
    He died in battle
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