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The Most Common English Expressions

  •  English    18     Public
    #English #idioms, #proverbs, and #expressions are an important part of everyday English. They come up all the time in both #written and #spoken Englis...
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  • What does this expression mean? It's a piece of cake.
    It's very special
    It's very sweet
    It's very easy
    It's very soft
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  • What does this expression mean? Break a leg.
    Go fight
    Speed recovery
    Don't get into problems
    Good luck
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  • Beat around the bush means avoiding the main subject by talking about irrelevant things.
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  • What does this expression mean? We don't see eye to eye.
    We didn't see each other in a long time
    We don't agree with each other
    We don't speak with each other
    We don't love each other
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  • What does this expression mean? It got out of hand.
    It ran away from the hand
    It got out of the house
    It got out of control
    My hand is slippery
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  • Cutting corners means "doing something poorly in order to save time or money".
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  • What does this expression mean? Hang in there.
    Don't move
    Don't give up
    Keep your mouth shut
    Pray for me
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  • What does this expression mean? It's not rocket science.
    It's not about astrophysics
    It's not difficult to understand
    It doesn't make sense
    It's not scientific
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  • Pull someone's leg means to support someone to continue.
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  • What does this expression mean? Speaking of the devil!
    Speaking about a person then s/he show up!
    Speaking about Satan
    Speaking about a dead person
    Speaking about something bad
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  • What does this expression mean? Time flies!
    Time is being wasted
    I am drunk
    It's getting dark
    Time goes fast
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  • To make matters worse means to make problems worse.
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  • What does this expression mean? Wrap your head around something!
    To feel a headache
    To lose your mind
    To understand something complicated
    To drink too much
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  • What does this expression mean? To break the ice.
    To get warm in a cold place
    To feel comfortable in a conversation with a stranger
    To turn on the lights during the daytime
    To punch someone in the face till they bleed
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  • Don't cry over spilt milk means don't cook when you're drunk.
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  • What does this expression mean? Saving for rainy days.
    Praying a lot so that you can go to heaven
    Saving money for tough times
    Keeping Summer fruits for Winter
    Saving a soldier during a war
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