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Ch.12, Westward Expansion

  •  English    53     Public
    Westward Expansion
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  • Name 1 thing the Compromise of 1850 did.
    allowed popular sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Law, outlawed slave trade in Washington D.C.
  •  20
  • What was the most important trail to the West?
    Oregon Trail
  •  15
  • What did the Wilmot Proviso want to do?
    ban slavery in any new territory received from Mexico
  •  25
  • What is the Manifest Destiny?
    the idea that God wanted America to have all of the western lands to the Pacific
  •  20
  • How did America achieve the goal of the Manifest Destiny?
    Many moved west for different reasons. We gained land from Mexico including Texas and California. We received the Oregon Territory from Great Britain.
  •  15