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  • What is ethics?
    it’s a universal value that helps us understand good and bad
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  • What is morality?
    Individual understanding of what is good or bad (context)
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  • The term Jahiliya describes pre–Islamic Arabia. What does the term mean according to the Qur’an?
    Ignorant about knowledge or ilm (but for Pre-Islamic Arab- it was about my tribe only)
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  • The Message of the Qur’an introduced the people (tribal) to what type of ethics?
    Universal ethic (universal ethics about taking responsibility and care of creation)
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  • How is the value of generosity presented in the Qur’an? (as compared to the tribal ethics)
    Generosity not for the sake of squandering and display of vanity to a virtue on pious motivation, and sincere intention of helping the needy
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  • As per the message of the Qur’an are faith and ethics connected? How?
    Rather, righteous is.... who gives of what he has out of love for Him, to kinsfolk, orphans, the needy, the wayfarer, and those who ask ...(2:177) In this aya,
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  • Who were the marginalized people in Pre Islamic Arabia (name at least 3) that the Qur’an also refers to?
    Orphans, elder, Women, poor, slaves
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  • As per the message of the Qur’an- Are humans innately good or bad? Explain.
    Yes- we are innately good and we seek out ways to do good for larger humanity.
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  • All actions/decisions are part of faith if we become _______ about our actions.
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  • According to the Qur’an do humans have free will or is everything pre-determined?
    God knows all, but humans are responsible for their actions and they must use their reason to act in the world
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  • What does this statement mean; ...Islam is not a faith of rote, it is a faith of the intellect...,” How are faith and intellect connected?
    Using the reason to make decisions
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  • If humans have human agency than what becomes our moral responsibility?
    Being conscious/reflective about our decisions and the impact of our decisions. And learn from the mistakes. We all have the potential to be good. Must grounded
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  • Y/N Is this statement a hard rule ‘do not be extravagant. Allah does not love those who are extravagant’
    This is a general maxim and each individual can define what extravagance looks like for them based on what they have.
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