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Crime and Punishment

  •  English    22     Public
    MD Version
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  • Звонок в полицию с ложной информацией о заложенной в школе бомбе заканчивается…
    Наступлением уголовной ответственности
    Наступлением административной ответственности
    Дисциплинарной ответственностью - выговором
  •  15
  • If someone has to stay in prison all their life, it's called...
    life imprisonment
  •  15
  • The money people have to pay if they break the law in small ways is called a....
  •  15
  • Criminals whose crime was not serious enough for them to be put in prison are sometimes ordered to do it.
    community service
  •  15
  • A criminal can stay in prison all their life, or they are given specific time to spend there. The second is called a.....
    prioson sentence
  •  15
  • Punishment by death is called....
    capital punishment
  •  15